Political Parties

Political Parties

Two old friends woke me last night, and they would not let me sleep until I composed this message to the young.

Old Ben Franklin said, Remember I was asked , what kind of government have you Founding Fathers created?” 

And remember I answered “a Republic, if we can keep it.

Afraid some younger than my 90 years do not remember that in a Republic you cast your vote for a representative, then that person represents you in Congress. 

You cast your vote for an ‘Elector’ who will cast your statesmajority vote for President.   Our Founding Fathers compromised on an ‘Electoral College’ because they did not want  New York and Massachusetts, alone,  to decide who would become President on the strength of their larger number of voters.

Ben also reminded me, If you do not like our rules, we provide a way to amend the Constitution.

Before I could go back to sleep, my old friend Will Rogers repeated these words:

“And when the votes are counted, let everybody, including the candidates, get into a good humor as quick as they got into a bad one.

“Both gangs have been bad sports, so see if at least one can’t redeem themselves by offering no alibis, but cooperate with the winner, for no matter which one it is the poor fellow is going to need it.

“So cheer up. Let’s all be friends again. One of the evils of democracy is you have to put up with the man you elect whether you want him or not. That’s why we call it democracy.” 

Image by Chayka 1270 from Pixabay

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