Blame Game

Blame Game

 ‘Tis the season when the ‘blame games’ begin.   Most of the votes have been counted. Time to put the blame on….

Turnout?  Pass outs?  Debate bouts?

My close friend Alex and I–shipmates on our high school Sea Scout ship, high school debate team partners–started arguing politics in high school.  When Christine and Alex eloped, they asked me to attend their small church wedding ceremony.

Still, the political arguments continued through our years together:

Dick Elam, you’re just a ‘rabble rouser’.

Yeah, Christine.  Painted her name-call on the stern of my second racing sailboat that Maxine and I raced against Alex and Christine.

Argued politics.  We never agreed to disagree.  Just disagreed.  Then like the close friends we were, dined together, sailed together, raised our children to become close friends.  Treated like members of the family when some of our children married.

Arguments didn’t change our votes or party loyalty.   Or our friendship.  Politics just sharpened our arguments.  If you want to know what went wrong…or right…in the last election, I can tell you.  Peacefully. I learned how to agree to disagree in high school.

Image by Tumisu at Pixabay.

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