

Wasn’t my first rodeo…as I can say because I’m back in Texas…or my first vaccination.  Heard a Doc gave me a smallpox shot in my earliest days.  Doctor Salk’s polio vaccine was administered after my teen-age years.

Got another shot.  As of February 26, 2021 this 92-year-old kid “may be prevented from getting COVID-19.”

But a warning, possible chance that I might spread the pandemic to the family that watches over me—Mayo Clinic doctor says a concern.  Still going to be a masked Granddad.  Chances will improve more when that nurse with the light touch gives me the second shot of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Elderly lady in our 15-minutes-after-the-needle waiting room kept rubbing her left arm.  Prescribed Tylenol for all just vaccinated within her hearing.  Occurred to me that hypochondria has been spreading almost as fast as the Chinese virus.

Searching, but not easy to find any humor in this pandemic.

In my lifetime only the Depression, that started four years after I was born, and World War II have created more turmoil.

Still remember the 1930 ‘hobos’ who got off the Santa Fe train in  Hamlin, Texas.  And cut my writing teeth at the Abilene newspaper that hired me, part time, in the 1940s.

As for this pandemic, will steal a closing line from another calamity depicted in Gone With the Wind.   Scarlett O’Hara’s line closes the movie: “Tomorrow is another day.”

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