Identical Twins

Identical Twins

Yarns about identical twins came when a daughter and son married.  Then a blog reader and writer wrote a similar one.

You can’t tell a difference between Jack’s twin sons by previous marriage.  Even with recent beards, they are now physical ed teachers who look alike.  Their high school teacher couldn’t tell a difference either.  She consulted their father.

Mister Wood, your sons are in different classrooms, but they each scored identical answers to my test. And identical grades later in another teacher’s class.

Jack figured that one out.  Each of the twins took the same test, twice.  They just changed shirts.

My daughter-in-law Brenda remembers she fulfilled a request from a boyfriend for a picture.  She didn’t have a portrait, so she used twin sister Linda’s photo.  When boyfriend discovered the duplicity, Brenda said ex-boyfriend wrote some profane words.

My ‘essayist’ friend…she eschews ‘blogging’…was an identical twin. “First boy that arrived for the date, first one of us dressed went out with him.  Most of the time the boy didn’t know the difference.”

Plotting my sixth Maggie and Hersh thriller novel.  Introducing 13-year-old twins born to my heroes.

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