Honorary Texas Rangers

Honorary Texas Rangers

          The two businessmen came from Chicago. The “suits” left for a business convention in St. Louis, but lost their way to St. Peter Street in New Orleans.

            The three “political experts” drove from Alabama where we went to help a recent college classmate run for Congress.   Alex and I wrote speeches, press releases, radio commercials. Phil announced our copy.  We were driving back to Abilene. Stopped in New Orleans to buy gas, find a place to sleep, and sing at the piano bar near Bourbon Street.

            Abilene met Chicago while singing, seated around Pat O’Brien’s piano bar.

            When only five were left around the piano, we Texans decided that the “fine” men from Illinois deserved….drumroll…to be named Honorary Texas Rangers.   Honorary degree was conferred just before Pat’s headwaiter said the piano bar was closing, it being nearly three o’clock in the morning. We paid our bill and left.

            The five of us stood on the curb, looking for a taxi, when a woman came running on the sidewalk across the street.  Her scarf and hair blew behind her head as she sprinted down the sidewalk.

            A man chased her yelling, “Wait! Wait!”

            The shortest of the two short men from Chicago reacted.  “This looks like a job for the Texas Rangers!”  Both Chicagoans ran toward the woman.

            The woman stopped running when she saw the two ‘”Rangers” crossing the empty street.  The man pursuing reached her first. Grabbed her shoulders.

            That’s when one Chicagoan proclaimed, “We’re Texas Rangers, you unhold…”

            The woman interrupted. “Leave him alone.” She took the man’s arm and they walked away.

            We left the Chicago “Rangers” standing in the middle of the street. Went to our beds. We had a long drive next day back to West Texas.

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