Ethel Merman

Ethel Merman

The Elam’s son played quarterback. The Kelly’s son was the fullback. We were near New York City because our boys were playing in the Thanksgiving week Thomas Edison Bowl.

You probably never heard of that November Bowl game matching pee-wee football players, top age limit 13 years. We hadn’t either until our Durham, North Carolina Elks were invited to play in  East Orange, New Jersey.

The Carolina boys were quartered in the homes of their opponents.  Friends were made before and after the game.

Parents were on their own.  Maxine and I went into the city with the Kellys.  We invited them to Broadway.  Took them to their first musical Hello, Dolly!

The show was in its last run.  An elderly Ethel Merman played Dolly.  Will always remember when she came stage front, opened up her arms and filled the theater with her full-volume, melodious,  magnificent voice.

The theater was not half full.   The show closed in December.  And the Elks were shellacked by the Jersey boys.

But I still can hear that profound voice of Ethel Merman singing “When the Parade Passes me By”.

Photo Credit: NYPL Digital Collections


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