Babes in Charm

Babes in Charm

‘Out-of-the-mouths of Babes’ quotations made Art Linkletter’s book famous.   We grandparents and parents have enjoyed the same blessings.  I’ve collected a few.

Grandmother Louise explained, at some length, the new word ‘museum’ to little Amanda.   She answered, “Oh, you mean a Looking Place.”

Her youngest granddaughter Michaela told her to stay a little longer.  “You don’t have to go home. There’s nobody there, you can do anything you want to.”

Son Tony returned from his first day at the Catholic school.  “They said to call him ‘Father.’  I’m not going to.   He’s not my father.”

As Mother Janet drove by the farm she caught a terrible smell, told her daughter “Roll up your car window.”  Leann replied, “Don’t want to. I like to smell the pigs.”

My own first born, age six, heard ‘company’ was coming for dinner.   “I like it when company comes for dinner, we eat better.”

When beer was offered she asked, “Are you going to drink Daddy Cokes?”

And in this year of pandemic, schools closed, families quarantined, my son Kelson heard a pitiful question from his granddaughter Jade, age six. “Do you have any friends who have kids?”

Photo by at Shutterstock

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