Chatterbox Falls

If you are willing to shoot the Malibu Rapids in my sailboat, drop an anchor off the bow, row the dinghy ashore and carry a stern line ashore you lash to a tree, and can go to sleep with the sound of water rushing all night, then I’ll sign you on to crew on a voyage to one of the world’s prettiest places:             Chatterbox Falls             Princess Louisa Inlet             British Columbia, Canada Or

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Help the Old Lady

The late Stan Hickman, Dallas realtor, and I met when we worked on the Daily Texan, the UTexas student newspaper. We became close friends. Stan even said he would sponsor me to join his Jewish fraternity, if I would change my name to “Elamski”. Maxine’s mother came to dine with this engaged couple, and we invited Stan to join us. We warned him to curtail his frequent curse words. And not to order a beer. When the

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Political Parties

Two old friends woke me last night, and they would not let me sleep until I composed this message to the young. Old Ben Franklin said, “Remember I was asked , what kind of government have you Founding Fathers created?”  And remember I answered “a ‘Republic’, if we can keep it.” Afraid some younger than my 90 years do not remember that in a Republic you cast your vote for a representative, then that person

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A ‘Famous’ Scouter

 1941. I remember Pearl Harbor because the next day this Tenderfoot donned his Scout uniform to show his patriotism.  1953. I camped at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico to learn ‘wood badge’ outdoor skills.  That’s the summer I became world ‘famous’ in the international Boy Scout movement. One of 48 adult Scout leaders invited to Philmont, we learned advanced woodcraft training so we could teach other Scout leaders.   We divided into eight-men crews, slept

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The Admiral Defends Millennials

 Admiral William H. McRaven, the retired Navy Seal who wrote and sold over a million copies of “Make Your Bed,”  has published “Sea Stories—My Life in Special Operations.” Perhaps  one reason the retired University of Texas Chancellor sold a million “Make Your Bed” books is because I bought 32 copies and sent one to each grandchild.    Most of them are ‘millennials,’  defined as those born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old).   And my millennials will enjoy

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Military Security at Best

Alex Eastus and I buddied in Sea Scouts, double-dated, spent World War II in high school.    We graduated from college the same year, but only Alex served in the Korean War.   Alex was single, admitted to law school, but the Air Force thought he would make a fine enlisted man in their Judge Advocate General (legal branch ) division. I was married, going to become a Daddy, and couldn’t pass the minimum eye exam

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Ross Talked ‘Texas’

 Ross Perot wasn’t interested in politics in 1966, but I was trying to coordinate a statewide campaign. We met for lunch in Dallas because Peter O’Donnell said Ross was a computer whiz who could tell us how to employ ‘critical-path-scheduling’ in our campaign.  Young ones, who know more about computers than this great-grandfather, may not realize that in 1966 critical-path-scheduling was known only to a few at DuPont and the Pentagon.     Ross, Naval Academy

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