Not a Sloth

Not a Sloth

Once upon a time, you needed an eight-track device to play music in your car. Long before music became a push-button auto accessory, I owned and played an eight-track recording of an Australian group singing “The Sloth.”

Lyrics told you the sloth—hanging upside down in the tree, watching the world go by—lacked ambition.

I could climb the very highest Himalayas…I could learn to cook, I could catch a crook, write a book….the door’s not shut on my genius, I just don’t have the time.

In year 2000, I found time to fly with a tour group to Tibet.  Our Chinese airline plane flew over the Himalaya mountains. Want to see my watercolor sketch?

Year 1963, I got instructions in Dutch-oven-cooking.  I blame microwave ovens for making me give up cooking over a campfire.

Year 1964, spent some evenings reporting the local police news. Never caught a crook on my news beat.

But when I turned 86 years, the door still wasn’t shut.  Most of what I had left was time.  No excuse remained, so I wrote a book.  Published.  Drafted three more manuscripts and am editing my historical fiction novel.  Readers will decide if the door is shut on my genius.

Photo by Javier Mazzeo on Unsplash

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