End of Conversation

End of Conversation

“You’re telling Noah about the flood.” That’s how fellow professor Mike Quinn stopped my narration.

“Last time I heard that, I kicked the slats out of my cradle.” Cowboy Bob Westerman after listening to my tall tale.

“Won’t Go.”  Linotype headline machine printer Fred Barbee explaining why my headline contained too many words.

“You ask Dick Elam what time it is, and he tells you how to build a watch.” Fred’s wife Eleanor.

“I’m reading the game story. Our team had the most yards gained rushing and passing, the most first downs, but is it not the team with the most scores that still wins?”  Ed Smyrl.  Daily Texan proofreader.

“Not to worry, we’ve got insurance.”  My words repeated by twelve-year-old Travis Darwin.

”What do you do for fun?” Christine Eastus at the end of my critique.

Photo by Palto at Shutterstock

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