Shoot ‘Em Coming at You

If you’re also a “camera nut,” you will remember when your first photograph was published.   I do. Jordan Steyer, a student at the University of Texas, recently wrote his thanks for the Maxine Smith Elam scholarship award and exuded the same enthusiasm for his published Daily Texan photos. Of course, publishing your photo these days takes only a punch or two on your I-phone. But not in 1944 when I was a weekend, high school “cub”

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Fred the Printer

Year 1968, I taught my first Editing and Copy Reading class to would-be journalists. I warned about a fictional bully from the International Typographical Union (ITU).             “Beware Fred-the-Printer in the leather apron who locks up the lead type inside the metal page form.             “Don’t touch, don’t rearrange the type. You may violate union rules and the newspaper’s contract. The  ITU shop foreman might even tell his printers and linotype operators to ‘walk out.’ 

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