Honest confession. I’m not the only at the Old Folks Boarding House whose fingers don’t handle shirt and blouse buttons very well. And she’s two years younger, both of us in our nineties.
Tried to remember that game we played with the four children: “Button, button, who’s got the button?”
Number Three Daughter remembers the phrase, but not the game. Nor does Dad. So I Googled:
The children start by sitting on the bottom stair of a staircase. The adult holds out both fists, one holding a button. The adult asks, “Button, button, who’s got the button?” Whoever guesses correctly advances one step. The first one to reach the top step wins the game.
One-story house, where the children grew up, doesn’t fit the researched definition. Guess we must have kept the one-story bambinos entertained.
Nowadays, buttoning the top shirt button is almost impossible. Not tying ties, either. Old Folks wear sweatshirts, tee shirts most frequently in the dining room.
Photo by Mr.Emre.B at Shutterstock